Leadership Coaching

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and leadership growth?

How do you envision overcoming your unique leadership challenges?

What specific goals do you have in mind for your leadership development?

At LAMDA Solutions, our one-to-one coaching offers leaders and organisations a personalised pathway towards transformative growth.

You should expect a tailored experience where your individual needs and aspirations take centre stage.

Through personalised feedback, goal setting, and self-reflection, our coaching empowers you to deepen your understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, ultimately building the skills and confidence necessary to lead your team to success.

With our targeted approach, you’ll address specific areas of leadership, such as communication and decision-making, unlocking your full potential and achieving your personal development objectives.

Experience the power of personalised support and guidance as you embark on a journey of growth, empowerment, and leadership excellence with LAMDA Solutions.

One-to-one coaching has been shown to have significant benefits for leadership development. A study by the Institute of Coaching found that coaching can improve individual performance by up to 25%. Furthermore, research by the Harvard Business Review found that coaching can lead to increased job satisfaction and helps to reduce stress levels.

LAMDA Solutions offers one-to-one coaching for leaders and organisations who desire a more personalised attention to their leadership development. One-to-one coaching is an essential element of the LAMDA way, as it allows leaders to receive personalised feedback and support that is tailored to their unique needs.

At LAMDA Solutions, our one-to-one coaching is designed to help leaders develop their skills and overcome their unique challenges. Using a variety of techniques and tools, including goal setting, self-reflection, and feedback, we help leaders gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. By focusing on the individual needs of each leader, we help them build the skills and confidence needed to lead their teams to success.

In addition, our one-to-one coaching sessions also allow leaders to work on specific areas of their leadership, such as communication, decision-making, and time-management. This targeted approach ensures that leaders receive the support and guidance they need to overcome their specific challenges and achieve their personal development goals.

Our Coaching Models

We make use of many models within our coaching, however, here are some of the key leadership and coaching models that we also look to utilise within your leadership coaching journey. These form the cornerstone of our one-to-one coaching:

  • Situational Leadership: Developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard, the Situational Leadership Model emphasises adapting one’s leadership style based on the readiness and development level of followers. It provides a framework for leaders to assess the needs of their team members and adjust their leadership approach accordingly.

  • GROW Model: The GROW Model, popularized by Sir John Whitmore, is a goal-oriented coaching model. It stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Way Forward. This model provides a structured framework for coaching conversations, helping leaders guide individuals in setting goals, exploring current reality, generating options, and creating action plans.

  • GROWTH Model: The GROWTH Model, developed by Max Landsberg, is a coaching framework that focuses on Goal, Reality, Options, Will, Tactics, and Habits. It helps leaders and coaches facilitate personal and professional growth by setting clear goals, exploring reality, generating options, building willpower, creating action tactics, and establishing supportive habits.

  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) Model: EI models, such as the one proposed by Daniel Goleman, focus on developing self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. These models help leaders understand and manage emotions effectively, build strong relationships, and create a positive work environment.

  • The Leadership Challenge Model (The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership): Developed by James Kouzes and Barry Posner, The Leadership Challenge Model highlights five leadership practices: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. This model provides a framework for leaders to engage and inspire their teams through exemplary leadership behaviours.

  • The Four Stage Competence Model: Proposed by Noel Burch, the Four-Stage Competence Model describes the learning and development process individuals go through when acquiring new skills or knowledge. The stages are: Unconscious Incompetence, Conscious Incompetence, Conscious Competence, and Unconscious Competence. This model helps leaders understand the learning journey and support their team members’ development effectively.

  • The Inner Game Model: Developed by Timothy Gallwey, The Inner Game Model focuses on removing internal barriers to performance and enhancing self-awareness. It emphasises quieting the mind, minimising self-interference, and maximising focus and performance. This model is particularly useful in coaching individuals to unlock their potential and improve performance.

  • The SCARF Model: The SCARF Model, developed by David Rock, focuses on the social aspects of leadership and how they impact motivation and engagement. SCARF stands for Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness, representing key social drivers. This model helps leaders understand and address social needs to create a positive and collaborative work environment.

  • The Drama Triangle: The Drama Triangle, developed by Stephen Karpman, explores the dynamics of unhealthy relationships and communication patterns. It identifies three roles: the Victim, the Persecutor, and the Rescuer. This model helps leaders recognise and navigate dysfunctional interactions, fostering healthier communication and relationships within teams.

  • The Performance Wheel: The Performance Wheel, developed by Will Schutz, is a model that assesses team performance based on three dimensions: Inclusion, Control, and Affection. It helps leaders identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement within teams, enabling them to enhance overall team performance.

  • The Leadership Identity Development (LID) Model: The LID Model, proposed by Susan Komives and others, focuses on the development of leadership identity and purpose. It outlines stages of identity development, including Awareness, Exploration, and Integration. This model helps leaders understand their personal values, strengths, and purpose, facilitating authentic and impactful leadership.

  • The OODA Loop: The OODA Loop, developed by John Boyd, is a decision-making and action-oriented model. OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. It emphasises rapid information processing, adaptability, and agility in complex and dynamic environments. This model helps leaders make effective decisions and respond quickly to changing circumstances.

  • The 4A Leadership Model: The 4A Leadership Model, introduced by Peter Hawkins, emphasizes the roles of Agent, Architect, Ambassador, and Agitator in leadership. It provides a holistic perspective on leadership, addressing personal growth, strategic thinking, stakeholder management, and change facilitation. This model helps leaders develop a multifaceted approach to leadership effectiveness.

By utilising a combination of these models, among others, we look to help individual leaders improve their practice and provide them with unique insights and perspectives, expanding their toolkit, and foster their personal and professional growth in innovative ways.

Find out more about how we look to use a Cognitive Psychological Approach within our Cognitive-Behavioural Coaching.

Interested in our One-To-One coaching? Find out more about our packages.